Sunday, January 29, 2012

Da Vinci Code, The

Da Vinci Code, The Review

Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code is a hugely successful novel currently being translated into forty different languages and earning Brown many millions of dollars. It is a book that captivates its readers' attention and leads them on a thrilling story of history, murder, intrigue and religion.

Many have found that the way the story hangs together speaks to them in a new way and has changed how they think about Christianity. Television programmes have been aired with people speaking passionately for and against, the central themes of the book.

Garry Williams teaches Church History and Doctrine at Oak Hill Theological College in London, England. Here he answers seven of the key claims raised by Dan Brown's book and points you towards a story even more intriguing - and more firmly based on fact.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Da Vinci Code and Other Heresies: What is the allure of secret knowledge about God?

The Da Vinci Code and Other Heresies: What is the allure of secret knowledge about God? Review

A heresy isn't any false teaching, but a fundamental twist on orthodox Christian teaching. It is a teaching, couched in Christian language, which fundamentally robs our faith of an essential, necessary truth. Denying the deity of Christ, for example, is a heresy, whereas differing views of how the end times will happen are not.

This study looks at some of the common heresies in our society today and the widespread appeal of exclusive religious knowledge.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Da Vinci Code (French language edition)

Da Vinci Code (French language edition) Review

Da Vinci Code (French language edition) Feature

  • ISBN13: 9782266144346
  • Condition: Used - Very Good
  • Notes: 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Tracking provided on most orders. Buy with Confidence! Millions of books sold!

« Da Vinci Code est un livre envoûtant, idéal pour les passionnés d'histoire, les amateurs de conspirations, les mordus du mystère, pour tous ceux qui aiment les grands récits que l'on ne parvient pas à lâcher. J'ai adoré ce roman. »
Harlan Coben

De passage à Paris, Robert Langdon, professeur à Havard et spécialiste de symbologie, est appelé d'urgence au Louvre, en pleine nuit. Jacques Saunière, le conservateur en chef a été retrouvé assassiné au milieu de la Grande Galerie. Au côté du cadavre, la police a trouvé un message codé. Langdon et Sophie Neveu, une brillante cryptographe membre de la police, tentent de le résoudre. Ils sont stupéfaits lorsque les premiers indices le conduisent à l'oeuvre de Léonard de Vinci. Ils découvrent également que Saunière était membre du Prieuré de Sion, une société secrète dont avaient fait partie Nexton, Boticelli, Léonardo da Vinci, Victor Hugo, et qu'il protégeait un secret millénaire. L'enquête de nos deux héros les entraînera à travers la France et le Rouyaume-Unie, non seulement pour chercher une vérité longtemps cachée concernant la Chrétienté, mais également pour échapper à ceux qui voudraient s'emparer du secret. Pour réussir, il leur faut résoudre de nombreuses énigmes, et vite, sinon le secret risque d'être perdu à tout jamais.


Chez Dan Brown, le décryptage est une passion. Normal pour cet ancien historien d'art qui devait, enfant, trouver ses cadeaux de Noël grâce à des jeux de piste. L'écrivain en a gardé le goût de l'enquête : son quatrième roman a nécessité deux années de recherches, passées à compulser les archives, à bûcher l'étymologie ou a rencontrer des membres de l'Opus Dei.

Avec une trame machiavélique digne d'Arturo Pérez Reverte, un rythme d'une efficacité redoutable, ce polar érudit reste remarquablement bien ficelé. Et donne envie, une fois refermé, de courir revoir la célèbre Cène de Léonard de Vinci, celle que l'on croyait si bien connaître.

Une trame machiavélique, un rythme infernal : la visite au Louvre d'un maître du polar.

L'Express Anne Berthod 01/03/2004

Jeu de piste efficace mêlant art, spiritualité et ésotérisme, le Da Vinci Code figure une sorte d'Harry Potter pour adultes.

Une pure fiction, mais suffisamment documentée pour susciter des questions.

JDD Gilles Delafon et Solène Davesne 08/08/2004

Selon la formule consacrée et pour une fois exacte c'est le livre qu'on ne peut pas lâcher une fois qu'on l'a commencé, tant les rebondissements se succèdent à un rythme qui ne laisse pas au lecteur le temps de souffler.

Cerise sur le gâteau, l'auteur est un homme cultivé, dont les appartés sur la peinture ou l'histoire des religions sont aussi passionnants que son intrigue. Bref, un plaisir de lecture total.

Lire Henri Fournay nº37 mai-juin 2004

…ce sont ses quatre premières pages. Un piège. Une trappe dans laquelle le lecteur tombe et qui le plonge dans cette envie paradoxale : être pressé de savoir et n'être pas pressé d'en sortir.

Le Parisien Pierre Vavasseur 26/03/2004

On ne passera plus jamais devant la Pyramide du Louvre sans un pincement au coeur.

Valeurs Actuelles Stéphanie des Horts 02/07/2004

Envoûtant, palpitant, machiavélique… « Da Vinci Code » (comme Leonardo Da Vinci) ne bat pas pour rien tout les records de vente, 4 millions d'exemplaires dans le monde. Signé par Dan Brown, professeur d'histoire de l'art en Nouvelle-Angleterre, auteur des plus doués et des plus retors, c'est la meilleure enquête policière de l'année.

Version Fémina Dominique Bona 06/06/2004

Un livre coup de tonnerre qu'il serait navrant d'ignorer.

Madame Figaro Christian Gonzalez 27/03/2004

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sakrileg ( German edition of The Da Vinci Code )

Sakrileg ( German edition of The Da Vinci Code ) Review

Robert Langdon, Symbolologe aus Harvard, befindet sich aus beruflichen Gründen in Paris, als er einen merkwürdigen Anruf erhält: Der Chefkurator des Louvre wurde mitten in der Nacht vor dem Gemälde der Mona Lisa ermordet aufgefunden.Langdon begibt sich zum Tatort und erkennt schon bald, dass der Tote durch eine Reihe von versteckten Hinweisen auf die Werke Leonardo da Vincis aufmerksam machen wollte - Hinweise, die seinen gewaltsamen Tod erklären und auf eine finstereVerschwörung deuten. Bei seiner Suche nach den Hintergründen der Tat wird Robert Langdon von Sophie Neveu unterstützt, einer Kryptologin der Pariser Polizei und Enkeltochter des ermordeten Kurators. Eine aufregende Jagd beginnt ...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Quatrain Review

In 1557, Nostradamus published his famous prophetic opus entitled Les Propheties--a collection of four-line, rhyming verses called "quatrains." The original set was supposed to have 1,000 prophecies. However, only 942 have survived. 58 quatrains have been lost in the annals of time.....until now.
Can a cynical college professor and his two rebellious teenagers find the missing 58 quatrains of Nostradamus in time to stop a terrorist attack on the United States, and will anyone believe them?

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Divine Code of Da Vinci, Fibonacci, Einstein & You

The Divine Code of Da Vinci, Fibonacci, Einstein & You Review

The first book of its kind in history-a handbook for the practical application of the Secret Code of the Universe, Life and Success. This Code is the key to a vast treasure, hidden within you right now. 
The Divine Code is Nature's Secret Success Code, hardwired within everyone and woven through the Universe. It's behind history's great geniuses and their works. It illuminated Einstein to the Universe's mysteries at 12 and fascinated DaVinci, who encoded it within his masterpieces. This ubiquitous, open-secret Code appears in Apple's iPhone, the Great Pyramid, the works of Thomas Jefferson, Michael Jackson and Hollywood beauty expert Anastasia Soare-who demonstrated it on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Dan Brown devoted an entire chapter (20) to it in The Da Vinci Code. 
The Divine Code guides the form and function, structure and movement, of everything in the Universe, from our micro DNA all the way to the macro galaxies. It's "Nature's Path of Least Resistance and Maximum Performance."
How can you apply the Code to create great health, relationships, wealth, peak performance and success of all measure? 
The answers are in this book, where you'll meet great geniuses, discover secrets hidden since the dawn of time and learn how to apply this simple, profound Code to every facet of your life. The benefits of applying the Divine Code, i.e., the Golden Mean/Ratio (1.618), Golden Spiral, Rectangle, Star and Fibonacci Sequence 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13... are infinite and fascinating, including the activation of your own genius potential. Once activated, your genius can begin to manifest in your life. 
You'll be joining the great company of Einstein, Da Vinci, Fibonacci, Pythagoras, Plato, Kepler, Asimov, Disney, Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs-and countless other Divine Code geniuses throughout history. What separates them from you is only one thing. Their Divine Code was activated. The keys to activating your full genius and life potential are within the pages of this breakthrough book.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How to Write a Damn Good Thriller: A Step-by-Step Guide for Novelists and Screenwriters

How to Write a Damn Good Thriller: A Step-by-Step Guide for Novelists and Screenwriters Review

A quick look at any fiction bestseller list reveals that thrillers make up most of the titles at the top. HOW TO WRITE A DAMN GOOD THRILLER will help the aspiring novelist or screenwriter to design, draft, write, and polish a thriller that is sure to grab readers. Frey uses examples from both books and movies and addresses the following hot topics:
*Germinal ideas
*Breathing life into great thriller characters
*Crafting a gripping opening
*Maintaining tension
*Creating obstacles and conflicts
*Writing a mean, lean thriller scene
*Adding surprise twists
*Building a smashing climax
and many more.
In his trademark approachable and humorous style, Frey illuminates the building blocks of great thrillers and gives the reader the tools to write his or her own.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

So You Think You Know the Da Vinci Code

So You Think You Know the Da Vinci Code Review

This book contains over 1000 quiz questions based on Dan Brown's bestselling thriller - the people and places, ideas and events. It gives a chance for readers to relive the excitement and intrigue of "The Da Vinci Code", while testing out how much of the detail they remember. It is irresistible for fans.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Answers to the Da Vinci Code (PowerPoint Presentation)

Answers to the Da Vinci Code (PowerPoint Presentation) Review

Dan Brown's best-selling novel, The Da Vinci Code, makes a number of false statements about Jesus Christ and the history of Christianity. Yet the story is so compelling that many readers believe it is true. This 200-slide PowerPoint presentation answers the 20 most important questions people have about this novel. Even though the book is fiction, it has made many people concerned about their faith and wondering if the church has deceived them. This PowerPoint presentation gives clear visual aids to help people see the truth for themselves, using time lines and historical facts. Works on the Macintosh or the PC.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Sunday Club: Da vinci Code meets Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels.

The Sunday Club: Da vinci Code meets Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels. Review

Set in modern-day England, The Sunday Club's four main characters have one thing in common, they need to raise a lot of money, and they need it by next Sunday.
Ray Troy’s bank has just pulled the plug on his antiques business and he needs to finance his young daughter’s cancer treatment; Dave Gee has been fired from his lifelong job and the hardnut Stanhope brothers’ pub has been condemned by the council due to subsidence.
The unusual answer to their needs comes in the form of Craig, an autistic savant. His recently deceased uncle, Charlie Bath, a paranoid gangster who refused to leave paper trails, instead entrusting all of his planned robberies to Craig’s memory, plans which could only be unlocked by Bath himself. Following his untimely demise Craig discovers that the plans for his uncle’s final and biggest robbery, the country would ever witness, are still locked away in his mind. Bath has also left a set of riddles which, if solved correctly, will unlock the intricate plan harbouring within his nephew.
This is no ordinary robbery - it is one which will leave you thinking... "Why the hell hasn't someone thought of that before?"

"...highly the Italian Job (the original)..." Gregory & Co. London.

A full novel of 78,000 words

The first novel from the author of the #1 horror-thriller The Facebook Killer.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Rough Guide to the Da Vinci Code (Movie Edition) - Edition 2 (Rough Guide Reference)

The Rough Guide to the Da Vinci Code (Movie Edition) - Edition 2 (Rough Guide Reference) Review

Dan Brown’s thriller The Da Vinci Code has created an extraordinary Christian controversy, with its sub-plots of the sacred feminine in religion, the bloodline of Christ, the legend of the Holy Grail, and the role of sects like Opus Dei within the church. This updated second edition explores and explains the context of the novel, from how the early Christian Church ''edited'' The Bible to the true history of the holy grail and to what art historians make of Leonardo Da Vinci''s symbolism in the Last Supper and other works. There is a brand-new chapter on the making of the eagerly anticipated Da Vinci Code movie, starring Tom Hanks and directed by Ron Howard. The guide includes information on all the Da Vinci Code sites in Paris, Rome, Jerusalem, New York, London and Edinburgh. There are reviews of Da Vinci Code sources and a glossary of everything from the Templars to the Fibonaccci Sequence. Whatever you think of Dan Brown’s novel, this Rough Guide has the key to help you understand the world it inhabits.