Friday, March 23, 2012

Unveiling the Da Vinci Code: The Mystery of the Da Vinci Code Revealed, a Christian Perspective

Unveiling the Da Vinci Code: The Mystery of the Da Vinci Code Revealed, a Christian Perspective Review

A critique of Dan Brown's popular book written from the layman's perspective. It attempts to sort out the truth from the fiction. The true purposes of the Priory of Sion, what really occurred at the Council of Nicea, and Gnosticism are among several topics discussed.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Real Holy Grail: An Orthodox Response to Dan Brown's Deceptions in Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code

The Real Holy Grail: An Orthodox Response to Dan Brown's Deceptions in Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code Review

Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code, by author Dan Brown, have deceived millions of people across the world with a plethora of lies about the one true God, Christianity, the Holy Bible, and the Christian Church. Dan Brown has achieved this by presenting the elements in his novels under the guise of fiction, while at the same time, claiming that they are factual. But even Brown's "facts," which he maintains are historically informed, are full of inaccuracies and historical discrepancies. What Dan Brown is describing in Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code can most certainly not be categorized as fiction, because in reality, the core and foundation of his writing is Theological and Christological. However, the Theology and Christology which Dan Brown has incorporated into his novels is a false Theology and Christology?-?it is grossly distorted and stridently far from the truth. This apologetic work sets out to provide the true Theological and Christological teachings of the Holy Orthodox Church in response to the deceptions in the selected writings of Dan Brown.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Secrets of the Code: The Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind the Davinci Code

Secrets of the Code: The Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind the Davinci Code Review

Dan Brown’s bestselling novel, The Da Vinci Code, has captivated the imagination of millions of readers. Its provocative story and rich historical background has spurred wide interest in the author’s source materials, and has aroused controversies, both public andprivate, all over America. Readers everywhere want to know what is fact and what is fiction. In this abridgement of Secrets of the Code: The Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind The Da Vinci Code, Dan Burstein helps readers sort out fact, informed speculation, and fiction, by presenting the views of the experts. Readers will get a definitive guide to the novel, providing authoritative explorations into the major themes within The Da Vinci Code.

Breaking the Da Vinci Code: Answers to the Questions Everyone's Asking

Breaking the Da Vinci Code: Answers to the Questions Everyone's Asking Review

Many who have read the New York Times bestseller The Da Vinci Code have questions that arise from seven codes-expressed or implied-in Dan Brown's book. In Breaking the Da Vinci Code: Answers to the Questions Everyone's Asking, Darrell Bock, Ph.D., responds to the novelist's claims using central ancient texts and answers the following questions:

  • Who was Mary Magdalene?
  • Was Jesus Married?
  • Would Jesus Being Single be Un-Jewish?
  • Do the So-Called Secret Gnostic Gospels Help Us Understand Jesus?
  • What Is the Remaining Relevance of The Da Vinci Code?

Darrell Bock's research uncovers the origins of these codes by focusing on the 325 years immediately following the birth of Christ, for the claims of The Da Vinci Code rise or fall on the basis of things emerging from this period. Breaking the Da Vinci Code, now available in trade paper, distinguishes fictitious entertainment from historical elements of the Christian faith. For by seeing these differences, one can break the Da Vinci code.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Signs Symbols and Secrets: Decoding the Da Vinci Code

Signs Symbols and Secrets: Decoding the Da Vinci Code Review

Signs, Symbols, and Secrets decodes in a fascinating new way the secrets behind The Da Vinci Code impact on the world. This book unlocks the hidden secrets of the truth about Jesus' life and death and explicates the numeric code presented by Dan Brown in a revolutionary and compelling new theory. Signs, Symbols, and Secrets intends to enhance the magnitude of the Holy Grail as the symbol of the divine feminine energy rising in power to balance the male energy. The book reveals that the intelligence of creation is concealed in every form of existence as an eternal code that can be explained through pure symbols and sacred numbers.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Da Vinci Code Adventure: On the Trail of Fact, Legend, Faith, & Film

The Da Vinci Code Adventure: On the Trail of Fact, Legend, Faith, & Film Review

Are you ready for one heckuva ride? Those who have read The Da Vinci Code know that Dan Brown has led his readers on a wild, improbable, and thrilling adventure. He wants you to question what you've been told all these years. And sure-that's half the fun! Here's the other half. The Da Vinci Code Adventure doesn't merely talk about The Da Vinci Code and its themes. It directly tackles Dan Brown's text, taking both fans and casual readers well into the next leg of Brown's compelling and fascinating theological exploration-and this is what Brown is really after. He wants us to question the text of his own novel, too. Let author and pastor Mike Gunn be your guide through both The Da Vinci Code itself and the dizzying maze of Scripture, contemporary scholarship, philosophy, historical documents, Church tradition, and faith-oriented films that tell the rest of this intriguing story. Mike and his team of investigators, editors Greg and Jenn Wright, analyze Dan Brown's text a handful of chapters at a time, closely examining his portrayal of Opus Dei, the Priory of Sion, the Knights Templar, the Masons, Hieros Gamos, the sacred feminine, and the Council of Nicaea, among other topics. The structure of these investigations is inspired directly by the text of The Da Vinci Code, closely following the outline of Brown's narrative. Fact and legend are weighed side by side. Truth hangs in the balance. Along the way, your guides present a broad perspective on how films have portrayed Jesus, the mysteries of the Christian faith, and the quest for the Holy Grail-everything from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade to Mel Gibson's Passion, from The Last Temptation of Christ to The Omega Code, and much much more.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Beyond the Da Vinci Code: From the Rose Line to the Bloodline

Beyond the Da Vinci Code: From the Rose Line to the Bloodline Review

The truth behind a work of fiction that incited a movement to disprove it.

As controversial as it was popular, The Da Vinci Code sparked an intrigue that spanned religious, cultural, mathematical and literary domains.

Was Jesus married? Did Leonardo da Vinci bury “clues” to the truth of the bloodline in his art? Is there a secret organization that protects the whereabouts of the Holy Grail?

Proving that a number of the novel’s most radical claims are historically sound, and exposing the spurious nature of others, Sangeet Duchane compares the early and modern Church, analyzes Dan Brown’s use of symbols, explores origins of the Grail myth, and ends with a tour through the significant locales of the novel as well as a reflection on the reasons it has touched so many and the meaning of modern myth.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

An Inconvenient Amish Zombie Left Behind The Da Vinci Diet Code Truth

An Inconvenient Amish Zombie Left Behind The Da Vinci Diet Code Truth Review

Bad Diets? The Rapture? The War of 1812? Global Warming? Political Conspiracy? Violence on the borders of the USA? The lost history of Soft Rock? Follow the non-stop action from the museums and cafes of Paris to the fast food rest stops and motels on the highways of Ohio, as past and future collide, forging an apocalyptical present where people from all walks of life must battle to determine the fate of the planet.

Cracking DaVinci's Code, Student Edition

Cracking DaVinci's Code, Student Edition Review

What's the big deal about The Da Vinci Code, anyway? I mean, it's fiction, right?

Yup, it's fiction. But lots and lots of people are being fooled every day into believing that it's the truth. In this student edition, authors Adam Palmer and Jeff Dunn will help you separate the fact from the fiction. you'll get answers to the questions that have really bugged you or your friends, like:

Who really wrote the Bible? What is this hidden code all about? What's the Holy Grail, and does it really exist?

Be one of the people "in the know." Discover the true truth about The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Brace yourself for the fact that it isn't just historically inaccurate—it may just contain a hidden agenda too!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Walking the Da Vinci Code in Paris: Decoding the City and the Book

Walking the Da Vinci Code in Paris: Decoding the City and the Book Review

Discover Paris and decode the secrets of Dan Brown’s popular and controversial novel, The Da Vinci Code, with this fascinating four-color guide through the city and surrounding areas. Both fans wishing to prolong the pleasure of having read the best-selling book and anyone interested in exploring an atypical side of Paris will relish in the intriguing commentary and rare tours of the city.

• Tours through the Louvre, St. Sulpice, the Ritz, The American University, Place Vendôme, the Château de Villette, and Chartes
• A dictionary of sacred and profane symbols, including a glossary of esoteric vocabulary used by Dan Brown
• An introduction to the characters, main themes, events, and controversies that arise in the book
• A close examination of the sacred feminine, and where to find her throughout Paris
• Ideas for those daring enough to take the trail one step further, including historical information and helpful tips
• Detailed maps and color-photos throughout
• A full index that makes finding unusual curiosities easy

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Da Vinci's Ghost: Genius, Obsession, and How Leonardo Created the World in His Own Image

Da Vinci's Ghost: Genius, Obsession, and How Leonardo Created the World in His Own Image Review

EVERYONE KNOWSTHE IMAGE. NO ONE KNOWS ITS STORY. This is the story of Vitruvian Man: Leonardo da Vinci’s famous drawing of a man in a circle and a square. Deployed today to celebrate subjects as various as the nature of genius, the beauty of the human form, and the universality of the human spirit, the figure appears on everything from coffee cups and T-shirts to book covers and corporate logos. In short, it has become the world’s most famous cultural icon, yet almost nobody knows anything about it. Leonardo didn’t summon Vitruvian Man out of thin air. He was playing with the idea, set down by the Roman architect Vitruvius, that the human body could be made to fit inside a circle, long associated with the divine, and a square, related to the earthly and secular. To place a man inside those shapes was therefore to imply that the human body was the world in miniature. This idea, known as the theory of the microcosm, was the engine that had powered Western religious and scientific thought for centuries, and Leonardo hitched himself to it in no uncertain terms. Yet starting in the 1480s he set out to do something unprecedented. If the design of the body truly did reflect that of the cosmos, he reasoned, then by studying its proportions and anatomy more thoroughly than had ever been done before—by peering deep into both body and soul—he might broaden the scope of his art to include the broadest of metaphysical horizons. He might, in other words, obtain an almost godlike perspective on the makeup of the world as a whole. Vitruvian Man gives that exhilarating idea visual expression. In telling its story, Toby Lester weaves together a century-spanning saga of people and ideas. Assembled here is an eclectic cast of fascinating characters: the architect Vitruvius; the emperor Caesar Augustus and his “body of empire”; early Christian and Muslim thinkers; the visionary mystic Hildegard of Bingen; the book-hunter Poggio Bracciolini; the famous dome-builder Filippo Brunelleschi; Renaissance anatomists, architects, art theorists, doctors, and military engineers; and, of course, in the starring role, Leonardo himself—whose ghost Lester resurrects in the surprisingly unfamiliar context of his own times. Da Vinci’s Ghost is written with the same narrative flair and intellectual sweep as Lester’s award-winning first book, the “almost unbearably thrilling” (Simon Winchester) Fourth Part of the World. Like Vitruvian Man itself, the book captures a pivotal time in the history of Western thought when the Middle Ages was giving way to the Renaissance, when art and science and philosophy all seemed to be converging as one, and when it seemed just possible, at least to Leonardo da Vinci, that a single human being might embody—and even understand—the nature of everything.