The Da Vinci Code Adventure: On the Trail of Fact, Legend, Faith, & Film Review
Are you ready for one heckuva ride? Those who have read The Da Vinci Code know that Dan Brown has led his readers on a wild, improbable, and thrilling adventure. He wants you to question what you've been told all these years. And sure-that's half the fun! Here's the other half. The Da Vinci Code Adventure doesn't merely talk about The Da Vinci Code and its themes. It directly tackles Dan Brown's text, taking both fans and casual readers well into the next leg of Brown's compelling and fascinating theological exploration-and this is what Brown is really after. He wants us to question the text of his own novel, too. Let author and pastor Mike Gunn be your guide through both The Da Vinci Code itself and the dizzying maze of Scripture, contemporary scholarship, philosophy, historical documents, Church tradition, and faith-oriented films that tell the rest of this intriguing story. Mike and his team of investigators, editors Greg and Jenn Wright, analyze Dan Brown's text a handful of chapters at a time, closely examining his portrayal of Opus Dei, the Priory of Sion, the Knights Templar, the Masons, Hieros Gamos, the sacred feminine, and the Council of Nicaea, among other topics. The structure of these investigations is inspired directly by the text of The Da Vinci Code, closely following the outline of Brown's narrative. Fact and legend are weighed side by side. Truth hangs in the balance. Along the way, your guides present a broad perspective on how films have portrayed Jesus, the mysteries of the Christian faith, and the quest for the Holy Grail-everything from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade to Mel Gibson's Passion, from The Last Temptation of Christ to The Omega Code, and much much more.
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