Monday, May 7, 2012

Da Vinci Code Killers: Real Biblical Secrets, Misinformation And Mistranslations

Da Vinci Code Killers: Real Biblical Secrets, Misinformation And Mistranslations Review

Dan Brown's book "The Da Vinci Code" sparked all kinds of controversy raising the possibility of Jesus being married. Church cover ups and narrow escapes became of staple of fictional book which was turned into movie.

But are there actual secrets that the Bible holds? See how the Biblical concepts actually have been exploited, changed and reworked to create a complex system of what is now considered "Christianity".

This book will uncover some very widely held general misconceptions, mistranslations and blatant lies about the Bible that have created a storm of questions that people want answered. DCK will show you that the text speaks volumes for itself and minor research can answer some hard questions. This is an extraordinary book for ordinary people.

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